Thrilled to share Brook Hsu and Tao Hui’s participation in the 14th Shanghai Biennale, ‘Cosmos Cinema’ curated by Anton Vidokle, Zairong Xiang, Hallie Ayres, Lukas Brasiskis, and Ben Eastham. ‘Cosmos Cinema’ offers visitors a spacetime in which to reflect on the operations of the cosmos and our place within it.
The 14th Shanghai Biennale presents works by 79 artists and artist groups from 41 countries in six continents, including 17 from China, and 23 commissions as well as new productions. These works by artists working in China and around the world, date from the early twentieth century to the present.
On view are Brook Hsu’s Pan et son élève (2022), Skeletons Embracing (2021), Pale Green (2022) and Tao Hui’s The Fall (White) (2023).
– Courtesy of Power Station of Art.
The 14th Shanghai Biennale 'Cosmos Cinema' Brook Hsu, Tao Hui

Installation view of the 14th Shanghai Biennale: Cosmos Cinema.
Courtesy of Power Station of Art

Installation view of the 14th Shanghai Biennale: Cosmos Cinema.
Courtesy of Power Station of Art

Installation view of the 14th Shanghai Biennale: Cosmos Cinema.
Courtesy of Power Station of Art

Silica gel, fiberglass, metal, paint
Width: 398 cm; tail: 65 × 95 × 22 cm
Installation view of the 14th Shanghai Biennale: Cosmos Cinema.
Courtesy of Power Station of Art

Silica gel, fiberglass, metal, paint
Width: 398 cm; tail: 65 × 95 × 22 cm
Installation view of the 14th Shanghai Biennale: Cosmos Cinema.
Courtesy of Power Station of Art

Silica gel, fiberglass, metal, paint
Width: 398 cm; tail: 65 × 95 × 22 cm
Installation view of the 14th Shanghai Biennale: Cosmos Cinema.
Courtesy of Power Station of Art