Pleased to share Ho Tzu Nyen’s first solo exhibition curated by Emanuele Guidi at an Italian institution, ar/ge kunst. Presenting ‘R for Resonance’, the latest addition to his ongoing project ‘The Critical Dictionary of Southeast Asia (CDOSEA)’.
‘R for Resonance’ comprises a virtual reality (VR) experience, a video and sound installation and a wall text edited specifically for this iteration at ar/ge kunst. It is a composite environment that articulates the audience’s encounter both with the work’s multiple layers of meaning and with the complexity of the artist’s practice, which traverses various media and disciplines including film, theatre, music and writing. Here Ho Tzu Nyen explores the phenomenon of resonance as a quality associated with the sound of the gong, a cast bronze instrument used for the spiritual and social music rituals common throughout the region.
* The reopening of ar/ge kunst with ‘R for Resonance’ by artist Ho Tzu Nyen, is extended until 25 July.
R for Resonance Ho Tzu Nyen
Video, 15 min 30 sec
Courtesy of the artist, Sharjah Art Foundation and Edouard Malingue Gallery