Edouard Malingue Gallery is delighted to announce Samson Young’s participation in documenta 14’s radio program ‘Every Time A Ear di Soun’, an exploration of how the sonic can be used as medium for historical narration, especially through the medium of radio.
The 56 minute composition ‘Such Sweet Thunder’, made specifically for documenta 14 and mastered for radio, questions the structural relationships bells have to celebration, communication, war, ritual and time. Young listens and responds to the bells, producing compositional echoes, which can erupt into rapturous melody and clashing overtones in equal measure – only interrupted by the unidentified voices of those whom maintain, research and ultimately sound the instruments with a deep and profound reverence.
‘Such Sweet Thunder’ will be first broadcast on 17 April, locally via FM 90.4MHz and worldwide by tuning to 155560kHz, also available online.
'Every Time A Ear di Soun', documenta 14 radio program Samson Young

‘For Whom the Bell Tolls: A Journey Into the Sonic History of Conflicts’
2015 – current