Sun Xun has been selected to participate in K11 and Videotage’s collaborative new media exhibition ‘One World Exposition 2.1: #like4like’. The title is taken from a means of mutual exchange, which has proven popular on social media platforms. Curated by Issac Leung and Kyle Chung, the project is made up of 11 Chinese millennial artists showcasing diversified art forms including 3D animation, kinetic art and video imaging – tools and mediums made specifically available to the millennial generation. Sun Xun will be showing ‘Magician Party and Dead Crow’ (2013), a single channel animation exploring a paradoxical organisation to comment on contemporary issues.
‘One World Exposition 2.1: #like4like’ runs until 21 May 2017.
One World Exposition 2.1: #like4like Sun Xun

‘Magician Party and Dead Crow’
Single channel animation
Photo Courtesy of K11 and Videotage