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Screen Series: Displaced Agency

[07.07.15 – 25.07.15]




BLINDSIDE, Level 7, Room 14, Nicholas Building, 37 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

(Related links)

Tromarama has been selected for ‘Displaced Agency’ the fifth edition of BLINDSIDE’s annual project ‘Screen Series’ curated by Xanthe Dobbie and Anabelle Lacroix. Drawing on object-oriented ontology, the exhibition explores the intricate relationship between the performer, the object and the viewer in the context of new media. In problematising such terminologies as “entity” and “agency”, the condition of being human is thus reconsidered and reconfigured. BLINDSIDE’s curated online video space is presenting in particular Tromarama’s 2014 film, The Charade.