Pleased to share Tromarama’s group exhibition ‘Lost and found: imagining new worlds’ at Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore. Curated by Raphael Fonseca ‘Lost and found’ brings together ten artists whose practices explore in unusual and specific ways, what Fonseca describes as ‘the ancient and existential acts of collecting, classifying, organising and showing things’. On view is Tromarama’s work ‘Self Portrait’ (2018-2019) which in this exhibition aims to variously question museological rationales for determining what is worthy of being collected.
Lost and found: imagining new worlds Tromarama

Digital print on paper, PVC, printer, paper, holographic sticker, software, social media, #selfportrait
Variable dimension
Courtesy the artist and the Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore

Digital print on paper, PVC, printer, paper, holographic sticker, software, social media, #selfportrait
Variable dimension
Courtesy the artist and the Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore

Digital print on paper, PVC, printer, paper, holographic sticker, software, social media, #selfportrait
Variable dimension
Courtesy the artist and the Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore

Digital print on paper, PVC, printer, paper, holographic sticker, software, social media, #selfportrait
Variable dimension
Courtesy the artist and the Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore

Digital print on paper, PVC, printer, paper, holographic sticker, software, social media, #selfportrait
Variable dimension
Courtesy the artist and the Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore

Digital print on paper, PVC, printer, paper, holographic sticker, software, social media, #selfportrait
Variable dimension
Courtesy the artist and the Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore