We are pleased to announce Zheng Bo’s first solo exhibition in Portugal, ‘The Soft and Weak Are Companions of Life’. A new series of drawings titled ‘Drawing Life’ opens the show at Kunsthalle Lissabon alongside Bo’s ‘Pteridophilia 1-4’ (deriving from the Greek pterid- “fern” and -philia “love”) in which the artist films young men making close contact with various kinds of ferns in a Taiwan forest. ‘The Soft and Weak Are Companions of Life’ is a sentence from Chapter 76 of Dao De Jing, the Daoist text written in the 4th century BC. Dao De Jing is written in Classical Chinese, which poses a number of challenges to complete comprehension. As Daoist scholar Holmes Welch observes, the written language “has no active or passive, no singular or plural, no case, no person, no tense, no mood.” So, the entire text is open to a huge range of interpretations.
The Soft and Weak Are Companions of Life Zheng Bo

Image courtesy of Kunsthalle Lissabon