10 Sik On Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong (Map)
Phone: +852 2810 0317office@kiangmalingue.com
Click on any artist to see their works, biography and exhibition history.
Eric BaudartParis, France
Cho Yong-IkSouth Korea
Chou Yu-ChengTaipei, Taiwan
Tiffany ChungHo Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Houston, USA
Cui XinmingChongqing, China
He YidaShanghai, China
Ho Tzu NyenSingapore
Brook HsuNew York and Wyoming, U.S.A.
Ko Sin TungHong Kong
Kwan Sheung ChiHong Kong
Kyung-MeNew York, U.S.A.
Lai Chih-ShengTaipei, Taiwan
Phillip LaiLondon, U.K.
Liu XiaohuiBeijing, China
Liu YinHong Kong
Fabien MérelleTours and Paris, France
Miao YingNew York, U.S.A.
NabuqiBeijing, China
Ellen PauHong Kong
Homer ShewNew York, U.S.A.
Sun XunBeijing, China
Tao HuiBeijing, China
TromaramaBandung, Indonesia
Su-Mei TseLuxembourg; Berlin, Germany
Wang ZhiboBerlin, Germany
Wang WeiBeijing, China
Apichatpong WeerasethakulChiang Mai, Thailand
Wong PingHong Kong
Carrie YamaokaNew York, U.S.A.
Hiroka YamashitaOkayama, Japan
Yang Chi-ChuanTaipei, Taiwan
Yeung Hok TakHong Kong
Samson YoungHong Kong
Yu JiShanghai, China and New York, USA
Yuan YuanBerlin, Germany
Zheng BoHong Kong
Zheng ZhouHangzhou, China
sign up here
All images and text © Kiang Malingue and the artists respectively. Website by Lundgren+Lindqvist.
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